Macau Plastic Free Food Festival Challenge
踏入11月,澳門美食節又黎啦!相信好多朋友都會去美食節湊下熱鬧,美食節為我地帶黎好多國家的美食,但亦同時都製造左數之不盡的即棄垃圾,每去一檔買野食,每個檔口都會比好多膠碗、膠兜、膠叉、木筷、匙羹,全部都任攞咁! 睇見都覺得有D心UP。
平時買一個外賣,一杯野飲都至少會產生 8-9件垃圾(膠兜、膠蓋、膠羹、木筷、膠袋、膠杯、飲管、膠袋等),而一個美食節,可以享用唔同地方的美食、小食、野飲、雪糕、甜品等等,相信一個人去一次美食節至少產生十件即棄垃圾。
其實想減少即棄垃圾都好易啫,只要向檔口說: 『唔使叉啦,唔該』,『唔使筷子啦,唔該』,『裝呢度啊,唔該』咁就可以節省好多即棄垃圾啦!當然,最好就係自備餐盒、餐具同杯去美食節啦,咁就可以無痕飲食啦!地球先生同我地大家會好感激你一齊減少垃圾!!
⭕️活動對象: 任何人和你的家人朋友
1. 更換頭像框架為 #無塑美食節 主題,可按下面連結更改頭像框架;
2. 於美食節使用可再用的餐盒、餐具、食物袋、杯或水樽等並拍照
3. 在 澳門減塑日常 Macau Less Plastic Lifestyle 或 Instagram 貼文
4. 在POST文時打今日美食節我慳左幾多件即棄垃圾
5. 簡單描述照片並標籤 #澳門減塑日常 #無塑美食節 #plasticfreefoodfestival #macaulessplastic
還有更多例子,歡迎到 澳門減塑日常 Macau Less Plastic Lifestyle 睇下
由2018年11月9日起至2018年11月25日 (澳門美食節)
特別鳴謝: 匿名美術設計
Macau Food Festival is coming soon! I think many of you will go to Food Festival to feel the atmosphere. We enjoy delicious food from different countries in the food festival, but we also generate a lot of single use trashes. When you go to buy some food, they will provide you single use plastic bowl, plate, fork, spoon, knife and wood chopsticks. All of the single use items become rubbish in a second after we use it. Have you ever think how many trashes per person make in a food festival? How many trashes we generate in there?
Have you ever bought take away lunch with a drink? If yes, you produce at least 8 single use rubbishes (plastic bowl, lid, spoon, chopsticks, plastic bags, cup, straw etc.).
How about food festival? You enjoy the hot food, side dish, snack, drink, dessert and ice-cream, etc., you probably produce at least 10 single use rubbishes.
You know what? It is easy to reduce the single use plastic, you only need to say out to the booth, “No Fork, please”, “No Chopsticks, please”, “Put the food here, please”. It saves heaps of single use plastic rubbish! Of course, you will enjoy the food festival very much if you bring your own container, utensils and cup. It is plastic free food festival, let’s enjoy zero waste food festival.
We hope there are more and more people joining this challenge, please welcome your friends and family take part in this challenge. We can enjoy the plastic free food festival, we can feel how good it is without producing any waste in food festival. We can also collect the data to see how many trashes do you save in the food festival. We hope to have more data to encourage more people, institutes, companies and governments to promote the zero waste food festival. We hope all of you can take this challenge to help better environment in Macau.
⭕️This Challenge is easy, you only need to date your partner, friends or family to the food festival with your own container, utensils and cups. You can take your own containers to the booth to buy food, and then count how many single use trashes you save during the food festival, take photo and upload to the “Macau Less Plastic Lifestyle” Facebook group.
⭕️How to Participate?
1. Change profile pic frame to plastic free food festival; Click the link below to change the profile pic frame.
2. Enjoy the plastic free food festival by byo items and take the photo;
3. Post the photos on @澳門減塑日常 Macau Less Plastic Lifestyle or your Instagram;
4. Simply count how many of single use items have you saved in the food festival.
5. Simple description of your photo and then tag #澳門減塑日常 #無塑美食節 #plasticfreefoodfestival #macaulessplastic
⭕️Tips for no plastic food festival
。Bring your own container, tumble and utensils to the food festival.
。Say no to single use container;
。Say no to plastic straw
。Say no to single use spoon, fork and chopsticks
。Say please put in this container.
。I have my own container, would you mind to put it here, please.
。I have my own cup, would you mind to put it here, please.
you are welcome to get more idea from Macau less Plastic lifestyle
⭕️Date: From 9 November 2018 to 25 November 2018
You can have less plastic lifestyle everyday.
Please ask your friends and family take this challenge together to record how many single use trashes you saved in the food festival. Remember to bring your own container, food bag, utensils and cup to the food festival. Lets enjoy the plastic free food festival.
Special Thank you for your Great Work.
這是由 澳門減塑日常 Macau Less Plastic Lifestyle及 Stuffbox Natural Friendly Store 自然友善店 自發性活動,並沒有任何支助,歡迎各位朋友、媒體或專頁轉載或推廣。
澳門減塑日常 Macau Less Plastic Lifestyle和StuffBOX自然友善店主要推廣減塑生活及文化,希望大家能夠響應及分享,一同參與,讓更多人知道原來澳門都有朋友仔一同參與減塑生活,以生命影響生命,令您身邊的家人、朋友和同事一齊慢慢享受減塑生活態度。
澳門減塑日常及StuffBOX 自然友善店保留最終權利。
Macau less Plastic Lifestyle and StuffBOX Natural Friendly Store hold this event, we do not get any funding from any organization, company and government, you are welcome to forward to other pages, medias and your friends.
Macau Less Plastic Lifestyle and StuffBOX Natural Friendly Store mainly promote the idea of using less plastic in life, we believe that sharing experience of using less plastic can inspire friends and family to realize the impact of plastic to the environment. We would like to let more people know that there is a group of people in Macau that are living in a less plastic lifestyle. Let’s Enjoy Less Plastic Lifestyle.
Macau less Plastic Lifestyle and StuffBOX All Right Reserved.